The Comet

A beautiful gift of cards was sent my way by Caitlín Matthews, a lady of great knowledge of all things divination. This pack of cards is a Lenormand type bordering the Kipperkarten style in which we have more protagonists than in the regular Lenormand set – the number of cards here exceeding to 46, ratherContinue reading “The Comet”

Burning serpent

In a recent discussion with Rachel Pollack about inspiration, I suggested that we look at the etymology of the word. From Latin, inspirare, to be inspirited or to inspire, inspiration means not only ‘to breathe,’ but also to receive divine guidance when breathing in a certain way. What is thus suggested in this word isContinue reading “Burning serpent”


Here’s what I think about the tarots that make me think: they are great as elastics. If a deck can give me a sense of the following question, then I’ll use it: How far can I stretch a ‘traditional’ meaning, or interpretation of a card? The ideal is neither too far from, nor too closeContinue reading “WAITING FOR THE END”


THE MAGICULUM For EyeCorner Press, I’ve published Todd Landman’s edited collection of essays on magic. Here’s the editorial description of this wonderful treat: “This collection of essays has been written by magicians who really care about magic. Having discovered magic at a young age, they have allowed it to mature alongside their intellectual and practical formation.Continue reading “THE MAGICULUM”

Does it work? Yoav Ben Dov’s work

Today something new. Although I don’t do reviews of new decks here at Taroflexions, on occasion I do mention new productions, but only in the context of reading the cards. I’m not interested in history when I do divination, hence, what I go for is the following question: Does it work? If a deck doesn’tContinue reading “Does it work? Yoav Ben Dov’s work”

A Helium Poet Lenormand

NOTE: The text below refers to the out of print limited edition that I created ad hoc. Since 2013, a new Helium Poet Lenormand was published with a twist. You can read about it here. Last week I was on the west coast in Denmark, showing my friend Witta Kiessling Jensen the sites. The whetherContinue reading “A Helium Poet Lenormand”