le florentin, paul emile becat, camelia elias

One of today’s sessions was with playing cards, in the classical square of 9. I won’t reproduce the reading here, but I will make an observation that can help you with your method.

As with everything else that changes all the time,  so with the method. A method is only as applicable until it no longer applies. Determining when that is the case is the art, and I find it extremely pleasurable to bust my own solid perception of just how pedestrian-like I want to be when I see a flying opportunity with the cards.  I like flying.

Have a look at the square below.

le florentin, paul emile becat, camelia elias
Le Florentin, by Paul Emile Becat, Philibert: Paris 1955

Two threes above flanked on the right by the Jack of Spades.

Two Aces in the middle flanked by the 2 of Spades on the left.

Two eights below flanked by the 5 of Clubs.

So, do I go about this the pedestrian way, where I look at rows, then columns, and then the diagonal lines that cross the tableau?

Of course not.

What I look at is the the way in which the odd card out in every line modifies the double.

So the important cards here are not the doubles, but the ones that disturb the symmetry.

The threes, one of gain, one of loss, influence the Jack of Spades. What he is saying is, ‘WTF?’

The Ace of Hearts in the center is no happy house, with conflict and strife sabotaging all new working plans and strategy having to do with the Jack of Spades, a nasty young man.

Good intentions (8 of Hearts) turn into negative efforts (8 of Spades) under the sign of forcing (5 of Clubs).

Is this reading fair? Why, yes, says the 9 of Spades looking on. Whatever is going on here is taking a turn for the worse.

The upshot is that the emerging picture here spells out a futile insistence of having everything doubled. Why? This is the question that we must pose. Why this forcing?

What is the querent trying to achieve or tell himself by deluding himself that as long as the effort is doubled, then all is well? Since when is this logic good logic?

So it goes.

Try flying with the cards above your own radar next time you see odd cards on the table, aligned in such a way so that you can ‘see’ where to start, namely at the odd end. That’s where the meaning is.

Stay tuned for courses and other cartomantic activities via the Art of Reading newsletter.

Published by Camelia Elias

Read like the Devil | Martial Arts Cartomancy | Zen

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